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'As Good As It Gets' boasts a splendid, delightful combination of wonderful, zesty acting and a remarkably bright and effective screenplay. Melvin Udall: Well, maybe I overshot a little, because I was aiming at just enough to keep you from walking out. Melvin Udall: You make me want to be a better man.Ĭarol Connelly: That's maybe the best compliment of my life. Well, my compliment to you is, the next morning, I started taking the pills.Ĭarol Connelly: I don't quite get how that's a compliment for me. all right, well, you were there, you know what you said. My compliment is, that night when you came over and told me that you would never. I'm using the word 'hate' here, about pills. Melvin Udall: I've got this, what, ailment? My doctor, a shrink that I used to go to all the time, he says that in fifty or sixty percent of the cases, a pill really helps.

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Melvin Udall: Don't be pessimistic, it's not your style.

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Melvin Udall: Now, I got a real great compliment for you, and it's true.Ĭarol Connelly: I'm so afraid you're about to say something awful.

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